The WoodridgeMTB Trail Support Foundation project with @psychlona track RainBird
This Edit was not easy to do and certainly had its challenges, as it has a general message of loss and overcoming grief and moving forward from tougher times. The edit is dedicated to my Dad and means the world to me, for weeks I fought with whether I should even release it to anyone as its a very personal edit, and was concerned it would fall on deaf ears. I am hoping this Edit and video will inspire creativity and may help/inspire anyone who may be going through a tough time and are in the stages of overcoming loss/grief. Unfortunately Loss is a part of life and we pay the price to know the ones we love the most one day.
Thank you to everyone involved who helped with this project!! You are all appreciated, and are an important part of our Foundations growth. To those that have seen it, thank you for the positive feedback! Please keep in mind editing/filming is a hobby for us, we are not professional by any means!
Thanks for the Support to all that have help us grow, and make these projects possible! In the coming days I will explain why Loam was the Trail chosen.
- James MacDonald